Ну что ж выкладываю, наконец, анонсированную историю молодого католика из Африки. Весь этот текст он на протяжении нескольких дней высылал мне по частям, потому что у парня нет компьютера, а только мобильник. Через телефон он выходит в Фейсбук, там же случайно нашел страницу нашего сайта и заинтересовался конкурсом.
Говорит, что хотел бы написать еще, но уже просто не имеет возможности. Я смысл понял, в принципе, могу перевести, но, может, найдется все-таки кто-нибудь, кто сделал бы это профессионально. Хотя, видно, что парень пишет далеко не очень грамотно, хватает ошибок.
My name is Boamah John Chickah, I live in Accra, Republic Ghana. I'm 19 and I am professional footballer. I was the third son from my parent. My father an Anglican, my mother an Adventist. When i was 6 year i left my Biological parent and stay with my Aunt and in my aunt house all the childrens are catholic. And all my life i being in catholic.
I started leaning A Catechism of Christian Doctrine since 7 years. i participate in any youth activities, I attend the youth in our catholic church to studies the Catechism of Christian Doctrine every sunday at 3:30pm. I keep going to study the Catechism of Christian Doctrine since the age of 7.
When i was 14 to 15years i was assistance to teach childrean from 4 to 6 years about the Apostles' Creed, the Prayers, the Ten Commandments and the Sacraments, after completing my senior high education 2007, i lost my father and life started being very difficult for me to continue my education, i start planing to travel to aboard to work and get money to continue my education, into the University.
God has done a lot in my life and still she is doing more than human imagination. My relationship between God start, when i was a baby, in african or Ghana, there are different kinds of religions, we have Christianity, Islamic, Those worship gods, and non-christianity or islamic or gods worship. But by the grace of God i was belonging to a richest family, a richest family that belongs to God the almighty, whom when you cry faithfully to him, he will surely listen to your cry.
When a child is born from Christian home in Ghana, he or she is taken to church for God's blessing and favour, so that when the person grown up he or she still remain in the house of God the almighty,so such was done to me because my parents, although they don't attend a particular church but the are Christians.
My life style i can witness this to encourage my relationship between i and God, when i was a child i hear from other gods their heard of worship, i mean those they don't worship God i'm talking off.
They worship and counter all their problems to their gods, and up to date they remain what they are and even their gods is died but my God i trust and worship is still on his throne doing a lot of miracles to us then why should i not worship, love and admore his name!
Secondly; my mum was blind that she can't see but when we cry for his favour he answered and heal my mum,. I have nothing to pay back but to worship him and let those in darkness of life will look for my God and they will have light in their life.
God is Good wounderful to his children.
And this is the end of how my relationship is maintain... God is sincere and faithful to me and i will worship him with all my Heart, my body and soul. This is how my relationship in God starts and nothing will seperate me and my faithful God.
I pray to God, i trust in him. I go to church. But What i do for God now - is i only talk to my team mate to seek yee first the kingdom of God.
God bless you.
И еще написал:
I have no computer. My area internet is not common, also expensive.I want to write my story but to do it is really difficult, i have no internet, and is very expensive to get internet at home and even to visit internet cafe. I only manage to do everything with my SonyEricsson W350i.